Contact us

To speak with our central sales team please call: 0330 057 6666

For customer services please contact the relevant team below. Opening hours are 09:00-17:30 Monday to Friday

Barratt West London
0208 326 7157

Barratt East London
0208 522 2800

In the unlikely event that you need to contact us in an emergency, our out-of-hours number is 0345 601 6084 from 17:30-08:30 Monday to Friday and 24-hours on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank holidays.

Barratt West London office (BWL)

Third Floor Aurora House
71-75 Uxbridge Road
W5 5SL
020 8326 7100

Barratt East London office (BEL)
Third Floor Press Centre
Here East
13 East Bay Lane 
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
E15 2GW
020 8522 2700

Barratt London Regional office
Third Floor Press Centre 
Here East
13 East Bay Lane 
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 
E15 2GW
020 8522 2700