Our Social Media Community Guidelines
It is important that our social media platforms are a respectful place for our customers, employees and the wider community. To make this possible, we ask you to please follow the below community guidelines:
Respectful Communication
- Our social media team are here to help, please treat them with kindness and respect. Any aggressive or inappropriate behaviour towards our colleagues will not be tolerated.
- Please refrain from making personal attacks and from posting anything that could be libellous or defamatory.
- Please do not post content that promotes hate, violence or discrimination against individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or any other characteristic.
- Do not post explicit, violent or graphic content.
Content that discriminates or contains inappropriate language and/or images will be reported and removed from our channels.
Privacy & Safety
- Please respect the privacy of others and do not share any sensitive or personal information about any other individual, including our employees.
- We may require certain information from you (such as your contact details) in order for us to assist you with a query, if this is the case, our social media team will request this information via a private message.
- You must not post recordings, photographs or videos of our employees on social media without their explicit consent. We have the right to remove these posts and take further action to protect our colleagues where necessary.
Spam & Misinformation
- Help us to keep our social media channels free from spam by not posting repetitive, irrelevant content.
- Ensure all content is truthful and accurate, do not share false or misleading information.
Law & Guidelines
- Ensure all posts comply with relevant laws and regulations.
- Don’t breach any of the terms of any of the social media platforms themselves.
Promote a positive environment
- Help us to encourage a welcoming and supportive environment for all users.
- We welcome all customer feedback including suggestions for improvement. Please ensure feedback is constructive and respectful.
Our Community Guidelines are here to help us foster and protect this community. We're committed to upholding these standards, and we hope you are too. Violating these boundaries may result in content removal or account restrictions.
Whilst our social media platforms are closely monitored, if you need to report an issue with your home, please contact your local Customer Care team in the first instance who will be happy to assist you.