
How to change your car address and details when your move

Feb 13, 2018
Changing vehicle details when you move
If you’re just settling into your new home, completing yet more paperwork might not be appealing, but it’s vital that both your insurer and the DVLA know that you’ve changed address. If you don’t inform your insurer, you risk invalidating your car insurance policy which could cost you if you try to make a claim, while having the wrong address on your driving licence or vehicle log book could result in a fine of up to £1,000 if the police stop you. The good news is that the process of changing your car address is hassle free, as we explain in our guide on how to change your car address and details when you move house.

Key Takeaways

Car Insurance Details:
Contact insurer (online or after move).
Address change may affect premium.
Driving Licence Details:
Update address with DVLA (online or by post).
Vehicle Log Book (V5C) Updates:
Fill V5C section 6 with new address.
Send to DVLA (no charge).

Car Tax and Private Number Plate:
Inform DVLA of your new address
Update private number plate address by filling out a V750 or V778 form.

How to change your car insurance details

You can contact your insurer before your move or afterwards. Some insurers charge an admin fee when you change your address; this typically costs around £25, but some don’t charge when you make the change online. When your insurer originally calculated how much you should pay for your premium they used your previous address, the crime rate of the area, where you were parking your car and other factors. When you update your address, they have to recalculate because key information will have changed – this may result in you receiving a refund or being asked to pay a supplement.
If you’re not happy with the new premium quoted, you do have the option to pay a cancellation fee and get a policy elsewhere. You may find a cheaper quote for the same level of cover by shopping around. The more time you dedicate to researching deals the better chance you’ll have of finding suitable offers. Remember that cheaper doesn’t always mean better. You should find a deal that suits your specific circumstances, while it’s best to look at two or more comparison websites as well as seeking brokers who don’t appear on them.

How to change your driving licence details

To update the address on your driving licence, you need to contact the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), either online or by post. There is no charge and your new driving licence will be sent to your new home within a week if you apply online or three weeks if you apply by post.

How to change your details on your vehicle log book (V5C)

You’ll also have to update the address on your vehicle log book (V5C) to prevent further correspondence being sent to your old address. You can do this by filling in section 6 of the V5C, signing and dating it. Make sure you don’t write your name or tick the ‘New Keeper’ box as you are still the owner of the vehicle and you aren’t transferring ownership to somebody else. You should then send your whole log book to the following address: DVLA Swansea SA99 1BA
There is no charge for this. However, if you’ve lost your vehicle log book you’ll need to apply for a new one by filling out form V62 and paying £25. Your new vehicle log book should arrive within six weeks

How to change your car tax

You won’t need to change your car tax when you move house but by informing the DVLA of your new address they’ll be able to contact you the next time it needs to be renewed.

How to change your address for your private number plate

To change the address on your personalised number/private plate records if you have one, you should fill out a V750 or V778 form by post. Alternatively, your V750 can be completed online. Once you’ve done all of the above you should have successfully changed all of your car details to your new address.