
Autumn inspired interior design tips

Oct 10, 2019
Autumn inspired interior design tips

Autumn is a great season for interior design. It sees the start of cosy evenings in, curled up on the sofa with a hot drink. To get your home ready for the season, follow our top tips on giving your home that autumnal feel.

Have fun with autumnal colours

Autumn is known for its vibrant colours and textures. So why not put them in your home? Don't be afraid to experiment with new colours this season. Choose colours such as burnt orange, terracotta, fern green, mustard or taupe for a contrast. But if you don't feel like repainting your entire home, adopt these colours in the form of textiles and accessories. Accessories such as cushions, blankets, throws or even plants and flowers.

Play around with different textures

Autumn isn't just about the colours, it's about textures too. Mix and match different textures to make your room that bit cosier. Mix smooth wooden furniture with soft chunky knits. Or rough leather chairs with cool velvet throws. As the weather will be getting colder, you'll be grateful for a blanket or two so make sure you have some dotted around the house. They look really effective piled up in metal baskets.

Layers upon layers

Layering is a major interior design trend this autumn. This could be in the form of blankets, cushions, rugs or throws. Blankets are perfect for creating a cosy sofa that becomes the ideal place to snuggle up. You can even create your own as a fun DIY project. A rug underfoot helps to keep the room warm and muffle any echoing sounds. But whatever you choose to use, play around with different textures and patterns to create a relaxing environment.

Autumnal accessories

An autumn interior design trend wouldn't be complete without decorative pieces. Think of colourful pumpkins, dried pine cones, wicker baskets full of logs and scented candles. With this season, you can really go all out with unique decorations. In the run up to Halloween, dot different sized pumpkins around the room or spiced apples for a beautifully scented room. For a more subtle look, put dried flowers such as cotton, lavender or thistle in a vase.

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