
7 DIY garden tips to get your garden ready for Easter

Apr 12, 2022
7 DIY garden tips to get your garden ready for Easter

As the weather starts to get warmer, we all want to get our gardens in shape, but how do we do that? Barratt Homes gives 7 tips on how to get your garden ready for spring with a bit of DIY whilst being on a budget!

Check local social media pages

Social media is the modern-day car boot sale. From selling pages to people giving away items for free, social media is the first place to check when it comes to DIY items for a garden. From pallets to plants, and from garden furniture to paint, social media should be the first place to go when looking for a DIY bargain, especially for the garden. Whilst people are purchasing new items for this year, why not upcycle their unwanted pieces  instead. Great for the environment and great for the purse strings too.  

Check your local charity shops and markets for hidden bargains

Whilst keeping an eye on social media, it’s always worth giving charity shops and markets a good browse too. Charity shops will often have their own garden and home sections, and markets will be tailored to what you are looking for. You’re probably better off getting recycled garden furniture at a larger store whereas you might be able to grab the smaller garden items in your local area. Not only are you helping your local charities, but you also have the opportunity to upcycle and DIY your garden on a budget.  

Grab any leftover paint to give the garden a fresh look

If you have any leftover paint that you know you won’t be needing anytime soon, use it in the garden. Whether you’re painting doors, fences or old furniture, a colourful garden always looks good, whatever the weather. Remember to take a photo of the paint, the colour, and the name - just in case you need to run and grab a replacement or any extras. Just make sure that the paint you use is weatherproof and can be durable during any unexpected bad weather.

Turn pillows and cushions into garden furniture

Lockdown gave many of us the time to learn a new skill, so why not continue to put those skills to the test. If you have any spare fabric, take some old pillows and make garden-only pillowcases. You can also do this with blankets and duvets. Instead of using the cushions from your sofa, opt for having garden-only ones instead. That way, these can be just placed in the shed overnight ready for their next use, and washing can be kept to a minimum.  

Build a DIY vegetable patch

Children can get bored during the Easter holidays, so why not make something that they can take care of, even after going back to school. Vegetable patches are a great way to start teaching children how to care for living things. Check which vegetables you should be planting now, make a spot in the garden and produce a calendar of when these vegetables will be ready. Cheap on the pockets, and you’ll be thankful when you don’t need to pop to the supermarket for your tasty veg!

Use old indoor furniture for outside purposes 

Many people think that a chest of drawers must be thrown out after use or if it’s broken – but many of them can be recycled and reused in the garden. For example, drawers can be used as pots for flowers, or as a tool station to keep all your tools in one place, and a laundry basket can be used for outdoor garden toys. An old mattress can be used in a shed as a den for when children play or a comfy place to lie down in the garden.

Don’t be swayed into spending lots of money when it comes to garden furniture. Protect the wood by using varnishes, wood protection paints, and wood oils.

Cheap outdoor lights

Outdoor Christmas lights don’t just have to be used at Christmas. If you have any spare they can be used over fences, which can be a great way to light up the garden without annoying neighbours as these lights are often quite subtle. It’s a neat way of adding a touch of class to a garden after the sun goes down. Just be careful of fire hazards.

So, whether you are trying to pass time during the Easter holidays or are conscious about spending too much money doing the garden this year, use these 7 tips!

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