
Is moving house disruptive for a 10-year old?

Aug 28, 2019
Moving House

There are lots of things to consider before making your move to ensure it’s as easy-going and positive for your child as possible. Because while moving house with children is exciting, it can cause a period of disruption for certain age groups.

Moving with children: What considerations do I need to make?

Moving house with a 10-year old

If you're moving to a new area, visit the house or estate ahead of moving day and if possible, on more than one occasion. It might present opportunities to start conversations that unpack your child’s possible apprehensions – reframing them as a positive opportunity to embrace.


“Whilst adults tend to focus on the practical issues around moving, children often focus on the losses the move will cause - friends and a familiar environment, in particular. They may also feel powerless, usually having no say in the decision to move. The stress this can cause children is often underestimated," says child psychologist Dirk Flower.

To combat any potential stress, talk through the reasons for the move and its subsequent changes with your child early-on and clearly articulate what the positive, future opportunities are for them.

It's also a good idea to gather information about local amenities that might have age-group relevant activities and groups your 10-year old might find appealing. This could be the quickest way to help them make new friends in an environment or activity in which they are confident and relaxed. 

What practical tips are there for moving house with a 10-year old on the day of the move?

Give your 10-year old responsibilities, like helping unpack, so they feel needed and helpful. Maybe start moving things into their room first, so they can put their stamp on its layout and it feel familiar as soon as possible. 

Encourage them to think about how they might decorate their room to their own style and taste. Introduce a scrapbook where they can write lists of things they like or draw out a plan for their room. You could even task them with making a door hanger, to create a sense of ownership of their new bedroom.

Introduce yourself to neighbours and take your child with you to find out if there are other children of a similar age that they can start to play with and safely discover their new home.

Give your child a camera and ask them to take photos and document the move. If you've moved far away, they might send the photos to their friends to maintain contact and share their news.

Peace of mind for all the family

Whether you're moving to a new area or just to a new home, settling in will take time. But the sooner you have conversations about what change lies ahead and how you can all make it easier and more exciting, the less stressful and impactful it will be on your child. 


Search here from a fantastic collection of new homes in a variety of locations including Doncaster, Inverness, Wakefield & Watford.

Check out our 12 Tips for Moving House with Children

We have also created a Children’s activity pack for moving day, download and print it ahead of your move and keep it handy for the big day.