
Sustainable cooking tips

May 16, 2022
Sustainability cooking tips for vegetarian week

Barratt Homes have given 9 tips on how to be more sustainable during cooking throughout Vegetarian Week 2022. So, whether you are a full-time or part-time vegetarian, or just looking at how to cook more sustainably in the kitchen going forward, then follow these 9 tips to start making a difference.

1. Go meat-free for one day a week

Going meat-free for a week is great, but if you’re only doing it one week out of the year, it’s not very sustainable. Instead, try going meat-free one day a week for the whole year. At the end of the year, you would have been 14% more sustainable than if you were to go meat-free only one week out of the year.

2. Save leftovers and save money 

After cooking a meal, keep any leftovers you have instead of throwing them straight in the bin. Food waste is a national problem, but if you begin to freeze leftover food, that food can then be used to make another meal. Not only will this become more sustainable, but it will also save money instead of going out shopping and purchasing a meal.

3. Purchase wonky veg 

Most of us will grab a bag of carrots, parsnips, potatoes, and so on. Yet, what we should really be looking at is the wonky veg. It is just a cheaper version of a normal vegetable that didn’t make the cut (either it’s too bendy, too small or there is too much of one vegetable). Wonky veg can be bought in bulk, therefore making it more eco-friendly. 

4. Shop at independent markets instead of supermarkets 

Shopping independently doesn’t mean having to spend lots of money, but even getting the smallest items from an independent market can make you more sustainable. With less transportation costs because of local businesses, independent markets are important because of the sustainable farmers. 

5. A plant-based diet can help with the environment 

Animals that are being used for food purposes can take up a lot of energy and a lot of land. By adapting a plant-based diet – even if it’s just for a couple of days a week or even a few weeks out of the month – you can be more sustainable by not eating animal products. Big UK brand names such as Linda McCartney, BeyondMeat, and vBitesare taking plant-based food production by storm and are sold in various places. 

6. Check which seafood is sustainable

According to, oysters, mussels and king prawns are the most sustainable sources of seafood we have here in the UK. Cod and salmon on the other hand are not. By eating sustainable fish, pressure is lifted from fisheries and allows the fish population to rebuild. So if you're not a vegetarian but want to become more sustainable 

7. Eat seasonally 

Not having parsnips on your roast dinner during the middle of May might seem very strange, but even purchasing vegetables that aren’t in season are not very sustainable. Vegetables such as sprouts, cabbages and leeks are in season from December through to February. Right now, spring onions, beetroot, and asparagus are in season. Buying seasonal vegetables will not only help with environmental impact, but they will also taste better, too. Make sure to keep an eye on less packaging!

8. Stack up on your pulses

Pulses are a great alternative to a vegetarian or vegan diet. Not only this, pulses are sustainable as they use minimal water to grow. According to the James Hutton Institute, pulses have a low carbon footprint, because they require no nitrogen fertiliser, which can result in less greenhouse gas. Bakes beans and lentils are great examples of this. 

9. Use sustainable wines 

Using sustainable wines are a great way to help out farmers, and by using sustainable wines whilst cooking, the wineries that the wine is being purchased from has a responsibility for the natural planting and harvesting processes that promote soil health according to aSweatLife. From reds to whites, and from roses to oranges, sustainable wines are a great way to support the wineries within the UK.